The Radiance Way
Restore, Re-awaken, and Recognize Your Divine Radiant Nature
The Radiance Way
Restore, Re-awaken, and Recognize Your Divine Radiant Nature
The Radiance Way rekindles your spark of aliveness, re-awakens you to the brilliance of your divine nature, and transforms your presence into a generous and loving light in the world.
You will know yourself on a deeper level of who you really are -and feel the difference as your unique and exquisite magnificence begins to emerge.
When you embody all of who you are, you will transform your experience of life into one that feels vibrant, alive, and divinely connected.
“When you reconnect with who you really are, you become a source of beautiful light, embodied and radiant with your divine magnificence. ”
Modern life has a way of pulling us in many directions, and when you prioritize these external forces, it disconnects you from who you are. After years of listening to outside influences and tuning out your inner wisdom, you begin to disengage from life. You might find you wake up each day just ‘going through the motions’, with vibrancy and vitality a thing of the past. In this lackluster existence, you wonder, ‘Is this it? Is this all there is?’ until one day you have an overwhelming sense that you have lost yourself.
As you begin your journey on The Radiance Way, you will re-establish your connection with yourself, learning how to become eternally re-sourced. You will know where and when to give your attention to what really matters by cultivating a dedication to the practices that nourish and fortify you so that no matter what happens in life - you will have access to everything you need to restore and maintain your connection to yourself.
Have you ever wondered to yourself ‘whatever happened to my aliveness, my passion, my excitement for life?’
When you’ve lost your way, and you find your days are turning into months that are turning into years, it can feel like nothing will ever change. You might be tired of telling yourself the same old story.
But deep down inside, you just know you are meant for more, and that this is not really living.
As your radiance is revealed and remembered, you will awaken to your divine presence, the spark of life, the divinity that animates you.
Your aliveness will grow in your connection to the Divine - that once remembered allows you to have a deeper experience of yourself.
Each of us holds a unique energetic blueprint that reveals the nature of who we are as a soul. When we connect with and embody these exquisite and specific energies, we discover they guide us to our purpose.
That purpose is to fully embrace all of who we are - human beings with a divine presence.
When you align with your energetic blueprint, you no longer question why you are here, instead remembering that your life wants to be lived through you, with a deep and resonant vibrancy. The radiance of who you are is a gift to the world, and the people around you are hungry for it, they’re waiting for it, and they will be inspired by it.
Just as you have cultivated and connected with your inner radiant presence, you will naturally begin to shine in ways you never expected, expanding your radiance into the world.
We will get to know each other and identify your personal path to radiance.
“Marli is infectious! She will inspire you to dance and to experience the beauty of yourself through movement. She is a clear compassionate vehicle of love." ~Amara Pagano, Founder Azul Conscious Movement.
My admiration for Marli's commitment to the creative process of transformation, love for nature and movement inspires this in others. When she teaches, it is magical, humbling, energizing, and pure joy to be in her guidance. She gave me permission to be free while she led with subtle instruction, always open to and honored the artist within me. Thank you Marli, Love Jamie
Thank you for your loving support - mostly for the deep presence that you hold. ~Annette
Marli, I am moved by your writing every bit as much as your painting. I hope you keep using your words….. “Expression becomes the conduit for the synthesis of the experience of life itself.” and ” I have found some comfort in the idea that the liminal provides us very fertile ground for creativity to emerge and move through us.” Because what’s moving through you is divine. Thank you, Annette
You are a gift of a full range of radiant woman, a wayshower of others while staying true to yourself ~Prema
Thank you for helping to get me into the workshop. It was such a magical experience. I loved our dance together and the crazy laughter that expressed. So fun and precious. You have a huge heart. ~Susan
“There is an unseen presence we honor, that gives the gifts”